Whether it’s a cosy meal for two or a family gathering casseroles have long been favourites. They’re excellent value for money and provide even the inexperienced cook with a challenge that will allow them to present friends and loved ones with a treat that is sure to have everyone at the table smiling.
The classic one-pot wonder, the casserole has something for everyone. Whether you prefer the vegetarian approach or continental sausage and noodles, hearty chicken and rice or something spicy a scrumptious bowl of healthy and tasty comfort. The best news is that these 10 casseroles which have proven to be popular with health conscious men and women from all walks of life all come in at under 350 calories per serving.
The list will provide some great food for thought and allow you to explore your inner chef while adding touches of your own to each dish.
Here’s a great link on general guidelines to making casseroles http://www.taste.com.au/how+to/articles/964/make+a+casserole
So lets start…