An influencer has said she practices ‘perineum sunning’ or ‘butt sunbathing’ as it gives her ‘surges of energy’ and promotes ‘better sleep’. Well, each to their own, eh?
YouTuber and Instagram influencer Meagan, from California in the US, shared some pretty… erm… interesting snaps of the pose she holds to shine some light on her ‘bum and yoni’, which quickly went viral.
But Meagan, who goes by the name metaphysicalmeagan on Instagram, claims that it has many benefits, writing in her caption ’30 seconds of sunlight on your butthole is the equivalent of a full day of sunlight with your clothes on’.
She goes on to claim that it’s an ancient ‘Taoist practice’, that has she been partaking in for the past few weeks.
“Perineum sunning is an ancient Taoist practice that originated in the Far East,” she writes. “In Taoism, the perenium or Hui Yin is called the ‘Gate of Life and Death’. This is a gateway where energy enters and exits the body.”
Meagan believes a few minutes with her butt pointed at the sun gives her ‘almost immediate’ surges of energy and ‘better sleep’.
She adds that bum sunning helps in ‘attracting my desires and intentions with ease’ as well as drawing ‘soul tribe and people who are on the same frequency and wavelength as me’. Fair enough.
If you’re still not convinced, Meagan say it’s ‘truly more energising than slamming cups of coffee’, but, it has to be said, it’s not going to go down well if you try and do this outside your local Costa.
Her first post was so popular, Meagan wrote a second with even more ‘benefits’, including ‘increasing creativity’ and helping ‘balance sexual energy’.
For anyone keen to give it a go, Meagan advised to only hold this pose for around 30 seconds, up to a maximum of five minutes, because ‘the intention is not to tan your butthole’ – thanks for clearing that up.
She says the ‘ideal’ time to do this is between 7am and 9am… presumably you’d also ‘ideally’ do it somewhere where it’s not freezing cold and dark at 7am, so that counts me out.
The original article can be found here: