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15-minute Exercise Set That Can Help Reduce Fat

When the term obesity is mentioned to you, you are always relating the same with body appearance. The truth is that the physical look is not that great issue regarding the obesity, as the health diseases are. The obesity is one of the greatest reasons why certain people are struggling with hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases, and osteoarthritis. All vital organs may be affected by the obesity. The ultimate results of the same are fatal for the human organism.

If you do not want to be the next one who will die from a heart attack, prevent the same. Start with losing weight. It is well-known that losing weight it is not so much easy, but with a great motivation, proper diet, and regular exercises you can fight the obesity.

The following article is offering you 7 simple exercises on your way against the obesity.


  • Start the exercise by standing on both your feet, so that the same will be on a distance same as the shoulder width.
  • Then make a squat position by lowering your body so that your hands will go in front of you, but on the floor.
  • As you are getting your feet back, lower your chest as you are going to make push-ups.
  • The chest needs to be brought up to the back.
  • As your feet are in the starting position, stand up, then jump, and clap your arms over your head.


  • Start the exercise by lying down on the floor with your back, so that your feet will be placed on the floor to in a flat position, on a distance same as your hip width.
  • Bend your knees and put your hands behind your head.
  • Make the first movement by pulling your abdominal inwards.
  • Then curl and go forwards so you lift off the floor your shoulder blades, neck, and head.
  • Try to stay in that position for several second and then return to the ground. Make 10 repetitions of the exercise.


  • Start the exercise by standing on both your feet so that the same will be on a distance same as your shoulder width.
  • Your chest needs to be held up and out. Put your hands in front of you.
  • Make the first movement by sitting back and down as you are going to sit on a chair.
  • Your knees need to get over your body and your thighs parallel to the ground. Achieve this position by lowering your body down.
  • Try to stay into this position for a few minutes and then return to the starting position. Make 20 repetitions of the exercise.


  • Start the exercise by standing on both your feet, so that the same will be on a distance same as your shoulder width.
  • Your hands need to be placed on your hips.
  • Make the first movement by stepping forward with your one leg and flex your knee so that the knee of the leg that you have stepped forward nearly touches the floor.
  • Then return the body in the starting position and switch the legs to repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  • Make 20 repetitions of the exercise.

Sumo squats to calf raise

  • Starting position – standing with feet about twice hip-width apart, keep the hands on your hips, toes pointed slightly outward.
  • Lower your hips, keeping your core tight, until they are parallel to the ground, and raise your hands in front of your face
  • Raise both heels off the floor, lowering your arms.
  • Repeat the exercise 20 times.

Jumping Jack

  • Start the exercise by standing on both your feet.
  • Your hands need to be by your sides.
  • While jumping up, raise your hands above your head, so that your feet need to be on a distance twice shoulder-width apart.
  • Return your body to the starting position. Repeat the exercise several times.


  • -Start the exercise by placing your body as it is going to perform push-ups.
  • The upper part of the body need to be in a straight line with your elbows and toes as they are slightly lifted up.
  • As you are breathing In, keep the straight position of your body and feel how your muscles are getting stronger.
  • Divide your weight into both legs and elbows by contracting your buttock muscles. That way you will have more strength and balance

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